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Supporting the Stop Whitehead Oil Terminal campaign

In April, Mid & East Antrim Borough Council’s decision to grant planning permission for the Cloghan Point oil terminal expansion...

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Why is No Gas Caverns such an important public interest case?

Faced with the prospect of having skyscraper-sized gas silos hollowed out under Larne Lough, the Islandmagee community took their challenge...

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Tribunal decision lifts shroud of secrecy on Council decision-making

The PILS Project’s reaction to Tribunal ruling on bilingual signage legal advice

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Local community, backed by PILS, challenges environmentally destructive development

No Gas Caverns and Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland start their battle against a hugely damaging fossil fuel development...

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Green light for legal challenge over NI’s MOT emissions testing scandal

Friends of the Earth has teamed up with The PILS Project and have been granted permission from the High Court...

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Cost of living payment refusal to be challenged by Law Centre NI

PILS are very pleased to support Law Centre NI with the finance they need to lodge Lisa’s case in the High Court.

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