Information for members of the public
Who does PILS help?
Who PILS can help?
Our legal and financial services are designed to support specific types of organisations in Northern Ireland with a specific type of legal issue.
The types of organisations eligible for PILS support:
- human rights NGOs who are members of The PILS Project
- local solicitor firms who are members of The PILS Project
The legal issues:
- public interest litigation on human rights and equality law
If you are not working for a PILS member, then you are not eligible to receive legal advice directly from PILS.
There are lots of organisations who have free advice lines or resources for individual queries.
If you are visiting our website with an individual legal query, here are some links to help you find answers to your question:
Other organisations who can help:
Law Centre NI
Housing Rights
Children’s Law Centre
NI Human Rights Commission
Equality Commission NI
Commissioner for Older People for NI
NICCY – Commission for Children and Young People
ICO – The Information Commissioner’s Office