Webinar: Real Life Pro Bono
Pro bono cases are often the most memorable. They are the cases that stay with you.
… at The PILS Project, we firmly believe that is true!
To celebrate UK Pro Bono Week’s 20th birthday, we are holding a very special pro bono storytelling event. A stellar panel of pro bono champions will join The PILS Project live to discuss how to do pro bono in Northern Ireland in 2021. T
his webinar is designed to be inspirational and practical, with real-life examples of how to proactively share your legal skills while avoiding professional burn-out.
After the panel have told their personal pro bono stories, you will have the chance to share your own experiences or ask your burning pro bono questions.
Join us at 18.00 on Tuesday 2 November for an evening of authentic conversation about how to do effective pro bono in 2021.
The discussion will be chaired by the PILS Project.
The panellists are:
- Danielle Curtis, legal manager with the Public Interest Law Alliance (PILA), Dublin
Lauren Taylor, corporate solicitor at A&L Goodbody Belfast
Steven McQuitty BL, barrister and PILS Pro Bono Register volunteer
Claire McVicker, Ulster University Law Clinic alum